Saturday, June 30, 2012

Featured Teacher: Derrick Brown

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
      I joined TpT in May 2011 after seeing Deanna Jump featured on the local news.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I have always been more fascinated with how I learned than I was with what I learned, so I helped to launch a charter high school with a curricular focus on engineering in 2004.

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
       I currently help groups start charter schools.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
Value your work and price it accordingly, use blogs to promote teaching and learning (not just your products), participate in forums, and stay patient! There are lots of products and sellers, so it may take some time to build followers!

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
It is affirming to have colleagues tell you that your materials are creative and useful!

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I can sing!

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
Not presently.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I would like to play golf professionally!

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
I would not like to be a politician!

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
         Favorite author: Martin Luther King, Jr. - for his timeless wisdom.

          Favorite educational author: Dr. Pedro Noguera - for his numerous insights to increasing parent involvement in urban schools.

Derrick Brown
Derrick's TPT store

Derrick's Prized Products

Use this creative diagnostic as a formal or informal assessment! It can visually demonstrate your students' level of math proficiency by measuring their command of its language!

This 25-page ebook challenges students to think critically about life, freedom, and the pursuit of success and happiness by introducing them to fundamental principles that define their character. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Book Look: The Homework Myth by Alfie Kohn

The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing by Alfie Kohn
Review by: Rosshalde Pak
Visit Rosshalde's Store on Teachers Pay Teachers
Visit Rosshalde's Blog, Education Shortlist

Recommended for: Teachers at all levels

Every student, teacher, and parent, and family knows the inevitability of homework at school.  Which is why I recommend that educators (new and veteran), as well as students who wants to become educators – and heck, even their professors, should all invest the time to read Alfie Kohn’s book, The Homework Myth. I was lucky enough to read this book whilst still in graduate school.  I say lucky because it changed my views on homework before I started teaching professionally.

Kohn goes into a detailed analysis and explanation of why our students are overloaded with too much homework, why homework is actually stopping them from learning, and why homework should be done away with altogether. (See, this is why it might not be the best book to hand over to your disgruntled middle school and high school children.  Can you say revolt?)

I agreed with nearly every point in The Homework Myth.  I do believe that our students get too much homework; and that much of that work could easily be considered ‘busy work’.  I do feel that homework can be a good learning tool though.  When we, as educators, realize that homework is a tool that is work to be done at home, and is a way for students to see how much of that they did that day, then they truly understand that there is a place for homework.

The Homework Myth is a very useful tool for educators, especially during the summer.  Then they have the chance to really think about effective learning strategies that they can implement properly into the upcoming school year.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Teachers "Friending" Students on Facebook

By The Resourceful Teacher

Teachers Pay Teachers Storefront: The Resourceful Teacher

One of the newest trends in schools is the move toward becoming paperless or going “green.” In doing so, many schools are relying on the use of the internet to communicate with parents and students. But, how and where does Facebook play a role in schools and communication? There is much discussion about the pros and cons of teachers “friending” students on social media sites, such as Facebook.

There are many negatives associated with teachers "friending" students. According to Education Week, “Schools in New York City and Florida have disciplined teachers for Facebook activity.” There have been reports of teachers who were fired due to inappropriate postings of comments which were viewed by some students. Many people argue this kind of behavior oversteps boundaries that should be set by teachers. Others believe social media sites are used to post mostly personal information, such as relationship status and interests, and teachers sharing this kind of knowledge with students is inappropriate. Many school boards across the nation are attempting to set guidelines in regards to social media interaction in a way that does not violate teachers’ First Amendment rights. 

On the positive side of the debate, there is talk that in the Philadelphia school district teachers are encouraged to create Facebook accounts strictly for the purpose of informing students and parents about school-related events, issues, and topics. Also, social media sites, such as Facebook, have the potential to give teachers avenues to monitor cyber-bullying. 

There is one aspect of the debate many teachers agree on: adding students as friends on personal accounts is unacceptable. However, if teachers create professional pages for the purpose of sharing school information then social media sites can be great resources to facilitate communication between students and parents.  

Facebook can be used as a helpful teaching tool for teachers, and it has the potential of being a valuable resource... if used in the right way. But, what defines the “right” way? Right now, many school districts are adopting their own policies, if they haven’t done so already.  

Does your school district have a policy in place for social media websites and teacher/student "friending"? Let's hear from other teachers about what’s going on in their schools...  

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Elementary Lab Science Safety Contract  FREE!!!
Fourth of July: 24 Fun Interactive Activities  $2.00
Coin Count Task Cards: 24 Challenging Coin Counting Puzzles  $2.00
Earthquake Terror, 5th Grade Vocabulary Quiz  $2.00
Weight / Mass Card Sort Activity - Standard & Metric  $2.50
Integrate Technology Across the Curriculum - 5 Technology Projects  $2.95
Dr. Seuss Biography and Activities for Any Book  $4.00

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Featured Teacher: Felicia Barnick

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
        I have been on TPT for about 2 years. I came across the site and saw all the neat ideas, and a few just like the one I had come up with (great minds think alike). I love sharing with my team, and thought this would be a great place to share with others.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I actually went to college for graphic design. After working for about 5 years in a field that I loved as a hobby, but now always found myself stuck at all hours often night behind my cubical, decided I needed a change. Everyone kept telling me that they couldn't believe how easily I connected with children, and came up with creative concepts to play, make, and do......therefore "wallah" the teacher in me was born.

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I am a third grade teacher in Georgia. I have been teaching for 13 years now (all at the same school). I have taught 4th, 2nd, and 3rd grade.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
I was always told as a child, "There are no stupid questions." This pertains to daily life and teaching too! You might have the same ideas as someone else, and by selling your items on Teachers Pay Teachers you provide someone with "assistance" in portraying their idea too. You never know you might have an idea on the tip of your tongue, and while searching for a lesson idea on Teachers Pay Teachers you find one that peaks your interest, is perfect for your class, and was just the right idea you were looking for. I say go for it...what do you have to lose. Teachers spend a lot of man hours creating the perfect lessons for their classroom - so why not share them with the world and get paid while you do it.

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
Teachers differ greatly in the way they plan their lessons, using personalized formats and incorporating specific lesson components. Teachers Pay Teachers gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts, ideas, and personalized lessons. It gives others a ways to see a great ideas, use it, and pass the word along for others to log-in and purchase your items. Before we could only share with the teachers on our hall or in our school. Now we can share with other teachers from all over the world, and in return get great ideas to incorporate into our daily lessons within our own classroom. Love it! I check the update ever night - I'm addicted!

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I love to be a practical joker. I take my job and students very seriously....but where and when time allows - watch out. I can draw just about anything (cartoon style), and love to have fun through art. If you were a fly on the wall in my classroom you would see this everyday! Part of learning is using the creativity we have inside.
I also secretly love to stalk blogs and websites to find DIY projects I can make. I just recently made a chair out of a suitcase.

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
Our school participates in enrichment after school "club" programs, that are fun, hands on, and creative. Each teacher submits their ideas to our admin for their club and if approved may teach it for a 6 week term. So far this year I have taught a digital animation class, put on a school play with (100 students for k to 5) raising money to fix up our playground, and have now found myself teaching students how to make and manipulate puppets. I love doing these classes and I am love student-centered learning. These classes give me many opportunities to create lessons, which engage students and put the bulk of the thinking and learning in their laps.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Race car driver - speed, excitement, adrenaline - enough said.

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
Anything that involves wearing a suit and not getting your hands dirty. I never come home looking the same way I left. Making a mess is one of the best ways to learn.

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
Children's Books: Roald Dahl; love his whimsical characters, settings, problems, and solutions. What a great example to set, and use to help students write creatively. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an All Time Favorite.

Educational Author -  Dinah Zike: Gotta love foldables.

Felicia Barnick, aka Spunky Sprogs
Felicia's TPT store

Felicia's Prized Products

Posters to help students understand the different genres: Non-Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Folk-Tale, Poetry, Drama, Autobiography, Biography, Nursery Rhyme, Tall Tales, and Mystery.

What a fun way to give out an award. My students LOVE candy, and since I don't give it our very often...this makes for a fun end of the year treat! I attach the actual candy bar to the award, and then when all the awards have been passed out the students are allowed to eat their award!

Monday, June 18, 2012

A New Way to Teach the Water Cycle

By Karla Banks 

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Storefront: Karla Banks

Are you tired of teaching the water cycle only to have students confuse the vocabulary? Try teaching the water cycle in a different way. Teach students to understand the water cycle by using their bodies. Use dance/creative movements to learn the vocabulary. For a successful lesson, these skills must be taught in the below order:

1. Teach a “stop/freeze” signal. It can be any kind of symbol. A sound works best because during movement exercises students are not always looking at their leader.
2. Practice this signal many times even when not doing movement exercises so students begin to respond to it automatically.
3. Set clear behavior expectations. Remind students what you expect their behaviors to look like and to sound like. Since this is an arts integrated lesson, students will be expected to learn key movements to vocabulary as well as the concepts/vocabulary of the water cycle.

4. Review the stop signal.  
5. Describe each step of the water cycle verbally. 
6. Together as a class, decide on a movement to match each water cycle step.
7. The entire class acts out the movement as several students explain what the movement means.
8. Repeat the process for each step of the water cycle.
9. While doing the movements, call out the steps of the water cycle to reinforce key vocabulary.

At the end, all students participate in the Water Cycle Dance together. Everyone, including the teacher, moves to all steps of the water cycle. Click here for a free detailed lesson plan of the Water Cycle Dance.

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Water Cycle Dance  Free!!!
Action Verbs and Keith Haring  $3.00
Fact and Opinion with Kandinsky  $3.00
Earth Art Earths Natural Resources  $3.00
Playing with Palindromes: A Visual Word Activity  $1.50
Water Cycle Interactive Clickers Question Set  $1.79
Connections Task Cards: Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World  $2.00
Hot Topics Impromptu Public Speaking & Creative Writing Prompts  $2.95
Graph the Constellations (Ordered Pair)  $3.00
Fairy Tale Unit  $11.00

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Featured Teacher : Valerie Young

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I started selling items in TPT about a month ago. At first, I didn't think anyone would really be interested in any of my creations but I was so wrong! It makes me so happy every time I get a notification telling me that someone has downloaded one of my products and/or left me a comment!

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I never really thought I'd ever be a teacher. I remember my teachers in high school telling me that they knew I'd be a teacher someday. I'd always just laugh it off! I started university taking psychology and sociology courses and, next thing I knew, I was applying to the education faculty!

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I am a first and second grade resource (special education) teacher.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
Be yourself! There is no point in trying to be like another seller. I think the sellers who are most successful are those who have their own style.

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
A highlight is definitely those notifications that tell me someone has downloaded one of my products. I always think to myself, "They like me, they really like me!"

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I am a mother of 2. Well, number 2 is on his way (due date is May 1st)!

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
Not presently. 

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I always wanted to be a photographer!

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
I would NEVER want to be a nurse! It's too messy for me...

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
       Robert Munsch. I love all his books and enjoy reading them to my students!

Valerie Young 

Valerie's TPT store

Valerie's Prized Products

I am proud of my Parts of Speech Pack. It includes a birdhouse sorting game, sentence writing, check for understanding, an independent sorting activity, a fill in the blanks Silly Story (just like those fun mad libs we did as kids!), and a cute little Parts of Speech Mini-Book.

I'm also proud of my Plurals Activity Pack. It includes 7 mini-posters to display in your classroom, a singular/plural sorting game, a plural rules sorting game,  "I have, Who has" Game, a plurals board game that comes with 48 word cards, and plural practice worksheets.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers Link Up: Differentiated Learning

This link up is for products on TpT that focus on  differentiated education for students.To Link Up Your Product:

  • Choose a Differentiated Learning related TpT product.
  • Link up the product page (not your store or blog) here. 
  • You may want to put the grade range in the name field.
  • One submission per seller please.
  • Please promote this link up on your facebook, twitter etc.
Buyers: Here is a great place to find some terrific differentiated learning products!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Differentiated Learning Tips

by Tammy Utchek Lee

Related Teachers by Teachers Storefront: Teacher Tam 

As a teacher of combined preschool and kindergarten classes, students range from those who can read at kindergarten or first grade level to those who know only a few letter sounds. Some work on addition and subtraction skills while others recognize numbers and count out manipulatives in various quantities. A functional classroom like this would not be possible without implementing many differentiated learning strategies.

Here are three ways to reach students with diverse educational needs in differentiated classrooms:

1)  Centers, centers, centers! Those who define "differentiated learning" are quick to point out that centers are not individualized instruction, so keep the latter in mind when planning centers. For example, "Bobby, Maria, and Sam are working on letter sounds, so some letter sound activities need to be placed in centers." Ask: Which students are likely to benefit from this type of center activity? Which type of answer/recording sheets will work best for them? Can this center be expanded so that other students benefit from it? For example, in one center, Bobby and his friends are matching pictures to letters while other students are using magnetic letters to spell names of pictures. Yet, other students are writing words from items around the room that begin with that letter. 

2) Games are a great way to review material and spend transitional minutes, but they also lend themselves well to differentiation. For example, a student favorite is "Secret Sight Word" (or "Secret Letter" or "Secret Letter Sound," or "Secret Number"—the possibilities are endless!). In "Secret Sight Word," make a 3x3 array of current sight words and list them on the board. Then, call on the quietest student to choose a sight word to see if it's the "secret" one. If the answer is incorrect, cross the word off the board then call on another student to choose a word. Here are two differentiations of this particular game: 
a. Use different levels of sight words. "I" and "a" along with "here" and "when."
b. Reread the remaining words on the board often so younger students can answer, too. Even if students cannot read words yet, they hear the teacher say it and can pretend to "read" it.  

3) Take-home activities. Place take-home games and activities in plastic bags so they are ready to send home. This a great way to make a home-to-school connection with families, and it's also instant differentiation. The games (and backpacks) keep students reading, counting out appealing objects (like gold doubloons!), retelling stories, moving around game boards
with cars and dinosaurs, and doing other fun, developmentally appropriate, educational activities. 

Due to the nature of differentiation, of course, activities shouldn't always be the same from year to year. Choose materials and vary approaches based on students interests and needs. Changing the centers, group games, and take-home activities provides teachers with great school days, and students are placed at the center of instruction. After all, that's what differentiation is all about.  

Visit the author's related blogspot: Teacher Tams Educational Adventures
Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Featured Teacher: Cecelia Margo

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I've been selling for 14 months.  I decided to sell on TPT due to overwhelming medical bills from my daughter's hospital stay. Our 13 year old daughter, while visiting my parents in NY, was helping them out by mowing their lawn and fell off the lawnmower amputating her toe.  If it weren't for my TPT checks, we would be in dire danger of losing our home.  It helps us break even every month and for that I am so grateful. 

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
Before I even started  going to school.

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I have been teaching in the public schools since 1994.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
Dive in and do it!  It is a lot of work but so worth it!  We know how to teach our students better than the major companies who create our curriculum.

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
The community of teachers who I've "met" and their support.  And I like knowing that I am touching the lives of children I haven't even met.

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I was a cheerleader way back when just like my daughter.  I use to be a flyer and would do "trust falls" into other's arms. 

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
Not presently. 

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I would love to be a travel journalist and visit places and write about it...or a marine biologist and work with people with special needs and sea life...or an advocate for people with special needs.

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
The President.

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
My favorite book is The Bible, which has lots different authors.

My favorite educational authors are Lucy Caulkins, Katie Wood Ray, Debbie Miller...I love to teach literacy.

By Cecelia Margo

Cecelia's Prized Products

This 86 page unit has six different leveled printable guided reading books which are leveled according to DRA2. Each book includes lesson plans and scrambled sentence strips. I've also attached a cut up sentence book and Guided Reading Journal for you to use.  I worked so hard on these and it is so much more economical than purchasing from publishers.

I am so proud of this incredible 84 page unit.  I was never really interested in space until my son was.  Now I am fascinated with space and so will your boys and girls.  I wrote original nonfiction articles on each planet, the sun, the Space Shuttle and astronauts for this unit for not only informational learning but practicing comprehension strategies.  It is really difficult to find articles that have the readability for my kiddos but after using these for several years with my students - I have done it!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Special Learning Series: What's the Plan?

Brought to you by the letters I.E.P!
(Part II of II)

By: Brooke Beverly Conway 

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Storefront: Brooke Beverly

Meet the Team:

Stew Dent (the child with educational needs)

Ida Know (Stew Dent’s mother)

Paige Turner (Teacher)

Justine Thyme (Special education teacher)

Frank Lee Speakin (School Psychologist)

Justin Case (Educational Advocate)

Anita Answer (Team Chairperson)

A summary of last week's post--Does Stew Dent need an IEP?

Justine Thyme: Based on all of the data and testing that has been conducted the team here at Learning Elementary School would like to propose the following measurable annual goals. There are short-term objectives that will be stepping stones in helping Stew Dent attain his annual goals. These are the skills that Stew Dent needs the most help with, and what we will be working on over the course of the year. This IEP will continue with Stew Dent as he enters 4th grade. You will receive progress reports during each report card period to update you on Stew Dent’s progress towards meeting these goals. These progress reports will be include data and assessments collected by both the general and special education teacher. We will meet again in a year to discuss Stew Dent’s current level of performance, and write new goals for his learning needs. 

Justin Case: Ms. Know, please understand that you have the right to ask the team to convene to discuss Stew Dent’s progress at any time. The IEP is a working, flexible, yet legal document that can be amended before your next scheduled review meeting.

Paige Turner: You know you are also welcome to call or e-mail us to discuss Stew Dent. We have been in contact quite a bit during the first trimester, and I would expect that our communication would continue. 

Anita Answer: Looking at the goals, you will see on the top what Stew Dent’s current educational progress is at. This was determined from our formal educational testing and data reported from his teachers. The goals and objectives are listed below. Please notice how the goals are measurable, which means you can count it, you can observe it, and that it is specific. To make our objectives measurable, we look at Stew Dent’s instructional level and what we feel the he can achieve within the IEP period.

Frank Lee Speakin: A goal addresses Stew Dent’s educational and behavioral / social gaps. It describes what he can be expected to accomplish in the next year.

Justine Thyme: According to the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), it is important for Stew Dent to be educated in the least restrictive environment. He is provided with a free appropriate education (FAPE) in a classroom where it is most appropriate to meet his educational needs. Stew Dent should have the opportunity to be educated with his regular education classmates, and have access to the general education curriculum. We are proposing a full inclusion setting where Stew Dent is outside of the regular education classroom less than 25% of his day. You can see this information in the service delivery grid.

Frank Lee Speakin: He will be working with me once a week for a 30 minute session for a structured social skills role playing group. I will also be taking him once a week for a lunch bunch group to help him with building friendships, and helping him work on his impulsivity when conversing with classmates and unstructured times such as in the cafeteria.  

Justine Thyme: Stew Dent will also be working with me in the resource room one hour a day for specialized instruction in reading. We will be using a reading continuum and conducting benchmark testing to assisting him building oral reading fluency and comprehension at his level. He will also be receiving a specialized spelling approach called Fundations. 

Paige Turner: In addition, while Stew Dent is working in our general education classroom he will be provided with accommodations and modifications. 

Justin Case: Can you please review these accommodations and modifications you will be providing Stew Dent in the classroom? 

Paige Turner: Absolutely, Stew Dent will be provided the following modifications in reading: additional time for reading assignments, small group work, shortened assignments, questions that have multiple choices / fill-in the blank versus open response question, reading tracker, and read along option for our reading anthology in our listening center. For content area subjects such as science, social studies and math, he will also receive the reading support necessary for him to be successful.

Frank Lee Speakin: To best accommodate Stew Dent’s ADHD needs, he will be provided preferential seating in the classroom, clarification of directions, directions broken down into smaller steps, school appropriate fidget toys, breaks in his day to talk an energy walk, monitoring during unstructured daily activities (i.e. recess, lunch) and he will be provided a daily chart to help reinforce positive behavior expectations. 

Anita Answer: Also, we have explained why Stew Dent is removed from the general education setting in the nonparticipation justification section. We see that Stew Dent is often distracted. He requires a quiet, small group setting in which to learn strategies to aid in language comprehension. He will be removed 30 minutes a week for social skills group and one hour a day for specialized instruction in reading and spelling in order to maximize his learning and minimize distractions.

Ida Know: It seems like you are going to do a lot for my son.  

Anita Answer: Under the schedule modification section, we feel that Stew Dent does not require a shorter nor a longer school year. Stew Dent is able to access the regular transportation as students without a disability. We have contacted the bus driver, who will have Stew Dent have an assigned seat in the front of the bus. In addition, he will receive a slip of paper to bring into school to see if he earns a star for his positive behavior support plan chart for being on his best behavior on the bus. 

Justin Case: You are lucky Ms. Know that Learning Elementary School is invested in providing Stew Dent a quality education. What about state testing?  

Justine Thyme: Stew Dent will be given state testing accommodations as well. His test will be administered in a small group setting, be given short periods with frequent breaks, have a familiar test administrator, and we will monitor the placement of his responses in his test and answer booklet. 

Frank Lee Speakin: Under the additional information, we have listed Stew Dent’s attendance record. The state would like to have student’s attendance rates at a minimum of 95%. Stew Dent’s attendance rate is 98%, which is excellent. We have also listed that you are still deciding if medication would be an appropriate choice for your child, and will follow up with your pediatrician again after you see how Stew Dent is performing now that he qualifies for an IEP.  

Anita Answer: We would like to send our draft IEP home with you today to review. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Enclosed are the two required signature pages. Proposed services will not begin until we receive your signed response to the IEP and placement. One page identifies your decision to the IEP and the other page identifies your decision to the placement.  

Justine Thyme: It was a pleasure meeting you today, and discussing Stew Dent. I look forward to working with him.  

Ida Know: Thanks for all your hard work.

Paige Turner: You are welcome. We are happy that Stew Dent is now going to have his educational needs met through the IEP process. 

--The End of a Happy IEP Process--

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Plants Readers Theater Script  $2.00
Fact / Opinion Card Sort Literacy Center Station with Hands-On Activity   $2.50
Friendly Letter Powerpoint  $3.00
Lucky Day!  Free!!!
Father's Day Activities for Elementary Grades  $2.00
List It! Task Cards: 60 Fun Challenges for Individual/Group Use  $3.75
What's My Rule Table / In-Out Box Math Center  $4.00
Compare and Contrast Using Georgia O'Keeffe and Henri Rousseau  $3.00
Fifteen Writing Rubrics  $3.49

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