Monday, April 30, 2012

Creative Classroom Management Tips

by Brooke Beverly
Teachers Pay Teachers Storefront: Brooke Beverly

Oh, the chitter chatter of students when they are supposed to be working quietly! You have set classroom expectations, and you have “laid down the law” about grade level behavior, yet you need more creative classroom management tips. Here are a few ideas: 

1. Collaborate with students: Work together with your students to establish classroom expectations. If students are involved in the rule making process, they have ownership and accountability for their actions. Help students phrase ideas in positive ways on classroom contracts. For example, instead of having classroom expectations such as “no talking,” consider rephrasing as “Listen during teacher lessons".  Hang the contract where students can view it.  

2. Work as a class: To Work as a class means to build class morale. Encourage classmates to become bucket fillers vs. bucket dippers. The book, How Full is Your Bucket, by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer, introduces positive traits and behaviors for students to model. Create a classroom bucket, laminate it, and place it outside your door. As students become bucket fillers, they write their names on the bucket with dry erase markers.    

3. Work as a team: Activity rewards, such as lunch with the teacher, extra recess time, special art projects, board game time, computer time, etc. are the best motivators. During different holidays, have students earn parts of a picture puzzle for every time you “catch their group being good”. Some fun, holiday themed, picture puzzle ideas include: decorating parts of a witch and her broom, earning ornaments on a Christmas tree picture, drawing parts of a snowman, coloring a valentine bug picture, or creating petals on a spring flower. Students also loved game show themed, team events such as Classroom Survivor, where students work as teams toward a common goal. 

4. Individual classroom management techniques: Time on learning is essential. Place a “Good Job” jar in your classroom. Individual students who are being role models receive slips of paper. They write their names on the slips and place them in the jar. At least once a week, pull a few names from the "Good Job" jar. Pick any simple incentive that works well for you. 

There are so many teachers out there who have similar tricks-of-the-trade. Let us know what your favorite classroom management ideas are by commenting or providing a link to a strategy that works well in your classroom! 

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Scientifically Speaking Wordles  FREE!
Class Jobs  $.50
Behavior Managment Yak Attack Slips  $1.00
Literature Fortune Teller Patterns  $2.00
Mother's Day Activities for Elementary Grades  $2.00
Author's Purpose Task Cards (set of 24)  $2.00
Caterpillar Game Words  $2.00
Summer TIME  $3.00
Novel in a Minute  $4.95

Friday, April 27, 2012

Featured Teacher Author: Michelle Oakes

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I've been on Teachers pay Teachers for just over a year.  I began in January of 2011. Deanna Jump was my inspiration.  We both had websites long before blogs and I loved her site. I saw she had a few things for sale on Teachers pay Teachers and decided I'd try it out as well.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I knew in first grade. My first grade teacher Mrs. Klein was the sweetest teacher ever. I wanted to be just like her. Ironically...I student taught in first grade and am currently a first grade teacher.

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I have been a teacher for 11 years. I've taught first grade all 11 years. It's the best!

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?

Join! I joined hoping to make a few extra dollars a month. Instead, in just one year I was able to hit a Teachers pay Teachers seller's milestone. I had no idea that Teacher pay Teachers would be such a blessing.  I've been able to provide so much more for my family. In addition, I've become great friends with many of the teacher sellers.

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
The friends that I've made! Through giveaways, blogging and creating I also feel that I've become a much better teacher.  You are always striving to create fun and engaging activities.

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
My family has NEVER called me Michelle.  I've been Shelley or Shell all of my life. 
I started going by my given name in High School.

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
" have a blog for teachers as well as a website.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Party/Event Planning. I love to plan parties and create fun party decor.

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
I could never be a lawyer. I'm not good at arguing. 

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
I love Nicholas Sparks. Gotta love romance. I also love everything by Debbie Miller. She's AMAZING! Her take on kiddos and comprehension is great. Plus she is an easy read.

Michelle Oakes
 Michelle's TPT Store

Michelle's Prized Products

I'm especially proud of my Reader's Workshop Graphic Organizers. They hit all of comprehension strategies discussed in Debbie Miller's books. I haven't seen anything like them on Teachers pay Teachers and they are my best seller.

I also love my Super Sight Word Pack.  It's an entire year full of sight word work, assessments and activities. I worked very hard to create a pack that a teacher could open and use, without have to create anything for the whole school year.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers Link Up: Cinco de Mayo

This link up is for TpT Cinco de Mayo products, both free and priced. If you link a posted product, please put it on sale from May 1st until May 4th. 

To Link Up Your Product:

  • Choose a Cinco de Mayo related TpT product and put it on sale.
  • Link up the product page (not your store or blog) here. 
  • You may want to put the grade range in the name field.
  • One submission per seller please.
  • Please promote this link up on your facebook, twitter etc.
Buyers: Here is a great place to find some terrific Cinco de Mayo resources!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Book Look: Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens

Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens
Review by: Mary Amoson
Visit Mary's Store on Teachers Pay Teachers
Visit Mary's Blog, Sharing Kindergarten

Recommended for: 4 years and up

The award winning book Tops & Bottoms by Janet Stevens is a perfect literacy tie-in for any plant unit. It combines in many science ideas like growing plants and the parts of plants. Additionally, this book teaches a lesson to work hard instead of letting others do all the work for you. The pictures are amazing, the story is engaging, and the tie-in activities are endless.

The main characters, Bear and Hare, partner up to plant crops to share. Hare schemes up a plan and does all the work on the garden, while Bear sleeps. The catch is... not all the parts of the plants grown are good. Read to find out what Hare's scheme is and who comes out ahead.

Check out this book and the mini unit to go with it on my blog or on Teachers Pay Teachers.


Mary Amoson is a teacher, mother, and an educational blogger. She believes that learning should be fun and natural, and is most often playing games with her students as they discover learning. She is so passionate about her dream job in education and her incredible students and families that she wants to share it all with you.  Visit her at the Sharing Kindergarten blog or at her Teachers Pay Teachers site, where she has more than 10 free activities ready for you to download and enjoy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Clock Watchers

"If you want students to know something, paste it near the clock" (unknown). Do you have clock watchers in your classroom? It's hard to keep students engaged, especially as the end of the school year draws near. Here are some tips to help engage students as the countdown to summer begins:

1. The 20 minute rule--remember that attention spans wonder after 20 minutes, so keep lectures or mini-lessons short.

2. Use icebreaker techniques, or motivators, as comprehension checks. For example: after a mini-lesson, ask students to pair up and, in one minute explain one main point from the lesson. 

3. Use peer tutoring techniques. Pre-plan groups and assign by skill levels so that peer tutoring takes place. Students learn best through social interaction. Also, it's true that if students can teach concepts to others then they have mastered skills. 

4. Have a "Hobby Day" and let students sign-up for blocks of time to teach their favorite hobbies to classmates. You'll be surprised what you, and students, will learn!

5. Take lessons outdoors. Go outdoors to read, to do character sketches on sidewalks, to enjoy journal writings, to take building measurements, or to do science experiments.

Regardless of how you conquer clock watching, make learning engaging and enjoyable!

Teacher Pay Teachers Related Products:

Cinderella   $2.00
Word Sorts  $3.00
Graph the Constellations  $3.00
Weather Climate Tic-Tac-Toe  $3.18
100 Drama Theatre Arts Improv Acting Scenarios  $3.49
Having Fun with Plagiarism  $4.00
Teacher Tips 300 Ideas for Classroom Management & Organization  $4.50

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Featured Teacher Author: Donna Boucher, Math Coach's Corner

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I opened my store in December after years of people telling me that I should sell my stuff.  What I didn't expect was how much I would enjoy the social aspect of blogging, Facebook, and just connecting with other teachers.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
In high school, actually.  I originally wanted to be a home economics teacher, but changed my major to business early in my college career.  After 7 years in the business world, I found my way back to teaching by way of Junior Achievement. 

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I am a math instructional coach for an elementary campus.  I work with teachers in grades K-5, and I love it!  I'm in classrooms throughout the week, provide professional development for teachers, write common assessments, help teachers plan, and generally look for ways to improve mathematics instruction in our building.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
Learn from the masters!  Do your research before you get your store going.  I look at the products I'm creating now, and they are so much better than even 2 months ago.  You have to develop your own style, and marketing is a BIG part of being successful!  Dont' get discouraged when you read about the newest $20,000'll get there!

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
I just love getting the emails that tell me I sold a product!  It feels validating to know that others feel your work is of good enough quality to pay for it.  But I also love seeing just how many people have downloaded my free products.  It's very cool to know that I'm impacting students and teachers across the country.

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I never, ever thought I'd be teaching math!!  I was desperate for a job, and they offered me 3rd grade math and science.  I was smiling as I accepted, but inside I was thinking, "Math and Science???".  It turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me!

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
I am a mentor through our district, so I get to stay in touch with students I have taught.  It's a neat thing to be able to follow them throughout their educational career.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I'd secretly like to be a chef.  The Food Network is my other passion!

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
I would NOT like to be a salesman.  Ha ha.

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
I'm really into Harlan Coben right now.  I tend to find an author I like and then read my ways through their books.  No particular favorite educational author.  I will read anything that I think will help me be a better math teacher.

Donna Boucher/Math Coach's Corner 

Math Coach's Corner's TPT store

Math Coach's Corner's Prized Products

My doubles unit, Seeing Double, ran in the newsletter, and it's my top seller.  It's such a complete product, and I think it really shows my commitment to the CRA (concrete, representation, abstract) sequence of instruction.  

Doubles Unit

I am also really proud of Out of This World! Exploring Numbers to 100.  It's so versatile, and the alien cards are adorable!  The 16 different workstation activities can be used with numbers to 20, then 50, and finally 100. 

 Exploring Numbers to 100

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers Link Up: Everything Earth Day

This link up is for TpT Earth Day products, both free and priced. If you link a posted product, please put it on sale until April 23rd. 

To Link Up Your Product:

  • Choose an Earth Day related TpT product and put it on sale.
  • Link up the product page (not your store or blog) here. 
  • You may want to put the grade range in the name field.
  • One submission per seller please.
  • Please promote this link up on your facebook, twitter etc.
Buyers: Here is a great place to find some terrific Earth Day resources!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Book Look: Magyk by Angie Sage

Magyk by Angie Sage
Review by: Heather Kaiser (Teched Out Teacher)
Visit Heather's TeachersPayTeachers Store

Recommended for: Upper Elementary

Magyk by Angie Sage
This is the first book in a seven book series.  One of the things I love the most about it is the way it plays on the number seven.  There are seven books and the main character is named Septimus Heap, who is the seventh son of a seventh son.  In case you haven’t already guessed, this makes him a very special person.  As the title indicates, the book is Magyk.  Magical creatures abound.  The classic good vs. evil battle ensues.  Plus, there is a serious case of "mistaken" identity.  Readers will be hooked within moments.

This is a great read aloud for upper elementary classes.  After state testing, we are often looking for a way to de-stress with students.  Reading aloud a good book is one of my favorite afternoon strategies.  If princesses, wizards, and common-folk are what your students look for in a book, this is the series for you!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

featured teacher author: Cindy Feeney

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I have been selling here since June of 2011.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I wanted to be a teacher my whole life!  My dolls were my first students, then I moved up to the kids I babysat for, and then I made the decision my senior year in high school to go to college to be a teacher.  I was the first one in my family to go to college! Unfortunately, my high school guidance counselor told me that there were too many teachers in the field and that I would never get a job.  So he convinced me to go into dental hygiene. I will NEVER forget going to orientation and seeing all those dental chairs. My Mom was with me and I turned to her and cried. I told her I wanted to be teacher and that I didn't want to clean teeth!  Well she took me right over to registration and I changed my major right then!  I have NEVER regretted my decision!

3.      How are you currently involved in education?
I am a kindergarten teacher in a Catholic School. I also tutor twice a week.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
Just do it! There is always going to be someone who will love what you do! I have learned so much reading the seller's forum and getting advice from some really topnotch teachers!

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
I just love being part of this movement! I have always felt that I was a good teacher, but I never felt "polished." The teachers here on TPT are supportive and SMART! My teaching has improved tremendously because of the ideas and support that I get in this venue!

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
Hmmmm.......... my husband and I LOVE Disney World! We spent our honeymoon there and took our kids there once. I never get tired of watching Disney movies!

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
As I said earlier, I tutor after school.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I have always thought that I would like to be a park ranger...... 

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
I would not like to be a banker, an accountant, or a salesman.

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
My favorite authors are Jodi Piccoult and Nicholas Sparks. I like novels that take me away, but also make me think. For children's books, I love Lois Ehlert, Mo Williems, Leo Lionni, and Robert Munsch. I also like non-fiction books for kids, but cannot think of a favorite author. I just discovered Loreen Leedy though TPT and I am enjoying her books, too! I love books that teach kids in a colorful and fun way!

Cindy Feeney (Kinderkay)

Kinder Kay's Prized Products

I am proud of my Polar Animal pack because I have been using it for many years in my classroom, so I know it works and is classroom tested!

I just posted my Winter Science and Literacy pack. It can be completed in about 5 days and I think it has some big thoughts for little minds in it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers Link Up: It's a Spring Thing!

This link up is for FREE TpT Spring Themed products. 

To Link Up Your Product:

  • Choose a free Spring Themed TpT product.
  • Link up the product page (not your store or blog) here. 
  • You may want to put the grade range in the name field.
  • One submission per seller please.
  • Please promote this link up on your facebook, twitter etc.
Buyers: Here is a great place to find some terrific Spring Themed resources!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Book Look: The Red Pyramid By Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid 
By: Rick Riordan 
Reviewed by: Brian from Wise Guys

Rick Riordan, the author of The Lightning Thief and The Lost Hero series, takes it to an all new level with his new series beginning with The Red Pyramid. As with his previous books, Riordan incorporates gods and other supernatural beings into his novels, but this time the focus is on Egypt! The story's central characters are once again adolescents, Carter and Sadie Kane, who were separated from each other at a young age. Their paths cross once again when their parents are kidnapped. The story is told from their perspectives and takes you on an amazing adventure through the realm of Egyptian gods and creatures. There isn't a moment of boredom in the book. It will leave you craving the sequel, The Throne of Fire.
I would highly recommend this book to teachers if they have students that loved The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan as well. I enjoy how the two main characters take turns telling the story from their perspectives. There are a lot of reading strategies that you can discuss with your students based on this book!

Extensive Reading Activity Guide
Wise Guys offers a 114 page reading comprehension activity guide and key that goes along with the story. Our students love to do these guides because it provides them with fun activities related to the book. They are also challenged to search for answers in the book and to use reading strategies such as summarizing, predicting, connecting, visualizing, and so much more. The guide is easy to use and includes an answer key that is a tremendous help for the teacher.

We hope you take the time to read this book, and hopefully use it in your classroom too!

For more great reading comprehension guides on other great books click here.

If you are a huge Red Pyramid fan, you will not want to miss our CD that we created with over 15 activities that can be shipped to you for use in your classroom as well. You can find it by clicking here.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Never Too Old to Play a Math Game

By Vicky Rauch (Scipi)

Teacher Pay Teacher Store Front: Scipi

Students are smart and want to learn, but many are terrified of math. These students are referred to as mathphobics.

We all have these types of students in our classrooms, whether at middle school, high school, or college levels. When working with these types of students, it is important to bear in mind how students learn. Teachers can refer back to the Conceptual Development Model, which states students must first learn at the concrete stage (uses manipulatives) prior to moving to the pictorial stage, and in advance of the abstract level (the book). This method uses lessons with different manipulatives.

Games are an easy way to introduce and use manipulatives without making students feel like little kids. The level of mathematical difficulty is controlled by varying rules. Games are customized to meet instructional objectives students are learning. However, as with any classroom activities, teachers should monitor and assess the effectiveness of games.

When using games for learning, think about:

1) Excessive competition. Games are to be enjoyed rather than being “fights to the death”.

2) Mastery of mathematical concepts is necessary for successful play. Mastery should be at an above average level unless teacher assistance is readily available when needed. Games should not be played if concepts have just been introduced.

3) Difficulty of rules. If necessary, rules should be modified or altered so students perform well.

4) Physical requirements. Remember students who have special needs. These should be taken into account so all players have opportunities to win.

In addition to strengthening content knowledge, math games encourage students to develop skills, such as staying on task, cooperating with others, and organization. Games allow students to review mathematical concepts without risking being called “stupid”. Furthermore, students benefit from observing others solve and explain math problems using different strategies.

Games can:

1) Pique students’ interests and participations in math practices and reviews.

2) Provides immediate feedback for teachers. For example: Who is still having difficulty with a concept? Who needs verbal assurance? Why is a student continually getting the wrong answer?

3) Encourages and engages reluctant students.

4) Enhances opportunities to respond correctly.

5) Reinforces or supports positive attitudes or viewpoints of mathematics.

6) Students test new problem solving strategies without fear of failure.

7) Stimulates logical reasoning.

8) Requires critical thinking skills.

9) Allows student to use trial and error strategies.

Mathematical games give learners numerous opportunities to reinforce current knowledge and to try out strategies or techniques without worries of getting wrong answers. Games provide students with non-threatening environments for seeing incorrect solutions as steps towards finding correct mathematical solutions. 

Scipi's Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:
Bug Mania Two Math Games Using Positive Negative Numbers  $1.79
Roll and Calculate: A Math Game Using Positve & Negative Numbers  $1.69

More Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:
Using Numbers in Writing Essays  $1.00
Card Game: I Have/Who Has (Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Decimals) $2.00
Table Topics for Reading Discussions$2.95
Weather Tracking and Comparisons  $3.18
5 Days of ESL/ELL/ELD Grammar Lesson Plans $4.50
Math Enrichment Worksheets: 22 Fun Activities with Answer Keys $4.50
Pirate Petes Treasure Math and Literacy Centers  $5.00

Beginning Reading Skills

Teachers Pay Teachers: Tessa's Store

Students recognize letters and letter sounds. But, how do you get them to become readers? What concepts need teaching in order for them to grow into engaged, thoughtful readers? There is no “easy” button for learning to read, but there are strategies that can make reading easier.

These strategies are best taught as explicit, think-aloud, mini-lessons during shared reading. Then, students apply the strategies with assistance and support during guided reading. Each strategy has its own animal-themed name, which is used for reference. Of course, each can be used without the animal names, as well. Matching Beanie Babies can be located to help teach the skills.

1. Lips the Fish (Get your lips ready): Say the first few sounds of the word. Read to the end of the sentence and say the sounds again.

2. Eagle Eye (Look at the pictures): Look at the picture for clues to what the word means.

3. Stretchy Snake (Stretch it out): Stretch the word out slowly. Put the sounds together.

4. Chunky Monkey (Chunk the word): Look for a chunk or word part you know.

5 . Skippy Frog (Skip it, skip it): Skip the word. Read to the end of the sentence. Hop back and read it again.

6. Tryin’ Lion (Try it again): Try to reread the whole sentence again. Try a word that makes sense.

7. Helpful Kangaroo (Ask for help): After all other strategies are used, ask for help.

It is helpful to record ongoing observations on how students are doing with their strategy use. This helps uncover which strategies need to be retaught to small groups or to whole classes. Also, it gives students continued reinforcement on certain concepts. Use the Guided Reading Recorded Notes form to help keep track of important information. It can be used to record strategies used with particular books, take notes of observations of students, and to keep track of their skill levels.

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Thematic Unit Rubric  $1.35
Twitter Summarization Worksheet  (with rubric) $1.49
Using-Symbolism in Creative Writing: The Snake Circle  $1.50
Balanced Literacy Decoding Beanies Reading Strategies Posters  $2.80
Dinosaur Themed Noun Sorts  $3.00
Down on the Farm Cause & Effect File Folder Center  $3.00
April Showers Bring May Flowers Lab Report  $4.00
Synonyms for 23 Overused Words 3 Formats for Easy Reference  $4.25
Be A Reading Detective with Comprehension and Decoding Strategies  $5.00

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Featured Teacher Author: Kayla, Primary Junction

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I joined Teachers Pay Teachers in September 2011 after coming across several teacher blogs that mentioned it.  I was very interested in the concept and wanted to try it myself. I thought I had several units and lesson ideas I could offer, so I joined and have loved every minute of it! Not only it is very motivating and inspiring as a teacher to create unique lessons, it is also a wonderful way to meet and learn from talented teachers.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I think there was always an inkling that I may have a career in education.  As far back as I can remember I have loved learning and school.  As a child, I loved to "play school", create lessons, check papers, visit school supply stores, etc. I finally decided to become a teacher after completing two semesters worth of internships in K-2 classrooms during my senior year of high school.  I absolutely loved working with children, but the moments that truly led me to teaching were when those light bulbs went off or when a child would thank me for helping them. After graduating from high school, I went on to graduate with a Bachelor's in Elementary Education and a concentration/minor in Sociology.

3.      How are you currently involved in education?
I currently teach second grade, and this is my fourth year in education.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
Do it! I have grown so much as a teacher as a result of Teachers Pay Teachers.  Not only has it inspired me to be even more creative when creating lessons and units, I have also learned so much about teaching as a result of other sellers and their products. That alone is worth it!  I haven't been selling for long, but I am beginning to see some results. As other sellers have shared, build a following through a blog and social networks (Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter) and give away items. You will build a following and success will come.

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
I think the best highlight is that it has reinvigorated my love for teaching.  I have learned so much about being a teacher from other sellers, and being a seller has not only sparked my creative teaching, but it has helped me become a better planner and not procrastinate as much (which I'm really bad at). Being a seller is awesome because I love being able to help other teachers with their plans so they can have more free time.  I love receiving feedback that a product of mine has helped in some way.  As teachers, we often don't get a lot of notice or feedback about what we are doing in the classroom, so it's always nice to hear that other teachers appreciate our work.

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I LOVE to travel. Put me on a plane, and I'll go anywhere! ;-) I've also been lucky and fortunate to meet some well-known folks (I'm from the South by the way if you can't tell!) such as Dolly Parton, Ray Stevens, Jay Leno, Marie Osmond, Miley Cyrus (Yes, I am an awesome teacher when my kiddos find this out.), and more.

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
I am on the technology committee at my school where I help with technology issues, school newscast, grants, order supplies, and whatever else is technology-related! At home, I plan and create lessons and read to learn new ideas to use the in the classroom.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I am extremely passionate about traditional country music, so it would be a dream to do anything related to the music business industry and by business I mean business - I am not talented in any way! I'd want a behind-the-scenes job. I also love to travel and am extremely interested in different countries.  I think majoring in International Relations would have been fun. Maybe in another life!

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
Anything dirty! I wouldn't want to work in plumbing, wastelands, or anything that requires getting messy. I prefer being able to dress-up and wear high heels!

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
My favorite author is Robert Munsch! I loved his books as a child and love to share them with my students.  His books are hilarious and feature repetitive, predictable text so students can join in while reading.  I also love the Scaredy Squirrel series by Melanie Watts because they offer such wonderful discussion opportunities with my students. As for my favorite educational author, I really liked 'Black Ants and Buddhists' by Mary Cowhey, which is a fast, fun, and educational read for elementary Social Studies teachers.  It really changed the way I taught Social Studies.

Kayla (Primary Junction) Primary Junction's TPT store

Primary Junction's Prized Products

I am extremely proud of my Measurement Unit: Length and Area. I created it several years ago and use it every year with my students.  It is one of my favorite units to teach. It contains 108 pages of resources, step-by-step lessons, and over 10 interactive files for both the SMART Board and Activ Board. 

Measurement Unit: Length and Area

I am also proud of my Flat Stanley Project Guide, which is another unit I use with my students every year. It includes everything a teacher needs to do the mailing project with their class. 

Flat Stanley Project Guide
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