Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Book Look: Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli

Star Girl
By: Jerry Spinelli 
Review by: Rosshalde Pak

This book is one of Jerry Spinelli’s underrated books, in my opinion.  It’s a great story about beginning romance, finding yourself, being true to who you are, and not letting the pressure – that is so very common for teens – rule who you are.

This book would be best for middle and high school students.  I used it once with a Gifted class of fifth grades, and some of the concepts – especially that of romance, was lost on the students.  From then on, I utilized it with older students and teenagers.  They were much more receptive to the book and the messages of it.  Both girls and boys enjoyed the book.  That is probably due in large part to the main character being a girl (Star Girl) and the narrator being a boy (Leo).

This book could also serve new educators well, or people who are going through Master’s degree programs for education.  The reason I say this is that the book accurately captures the need teens feel to fit in, and at the same time, to be individuals.  This emotional battle in all teenagers is important for their teachers to understand, and not forget like we tend to do as we become older.

From the first time I picked up this book as a substitute teacher, I knew it was special, so much so I read the whole book in less than one day.  If you are a fan of Spinelli’s books, you probably will too.  If not, then I think there is no better book from his collection to start with.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Promoting Learning Outside the Classroom

by Elaine Hirsch, Guest Author

Three strategies American teachers find helpful to promote student learning outside classrooms are learn-by-doing, community immersion and peer cohorts. All three serve to embed outdoor learning experiences meaningfully into students’ minds. According to MBA Online, many traits of leadership in the workplace are developed through practice rather than hereditary traits. Practical examples cited from 4-H, Georgia State University and California State University exhibit three ways in which students can learn by moving traditional learning outside classroom walls.

Benefits of learn-by-doing include being learner-centric, fosters the performance of admirable acts, brings fun to educational experiences and teaches concrete science concepts, as well as general life skills. For example, students may be asked to work on alternative energy problems to help solve the world’s energy crisis.

After pupils have completed learn by doing exercises, teachers ask provocative questions to cement experiences:

• What were the experiences like?

• How did these experiences affect mental, physical and spiritual well-beings?

• What stood out as most significant when solving problems?

• What about the experiences were relevant to own lives?

• How can these experiences help prepare for fulfilling futures?

The 4-H club represents the epitome of learn-by-doing philosophy, also known as experiential learning. Children achieve self-reliance and build self-confidence by accomplishing tasks with minimal adult supervision. 4-H clubs are great compliments to traditional K-12 education. Students gain real-world experiences through a nationally-recognized organization. At the core of experiential learning are activities, scenarios and dilemmas for children to resolve.

Georgia State University is in downtown Atlanta, an ideal location for fostering community involvement and cultural enrichments. The school offers numerous programs to further these processes. Learners might visit Gone with the Wind author’s home and museum, the Margaret Mitchell House, or participate in Dialogue in the Dark (DITD), where vision-impaired guides lead participants through a dimly lit maze to increase skills such as empathy and understanding.

GSU students comment on the urban locus of their school:

“Downtown Atlanta opens the mind to different things.”

“It makes you want to be interactive rather than just sitting in the library or being in class all the time.”

“After a full day of community service, we do a celebration in the park.”

“GSU is intermingled with the business hub, so [the two] are as one.”

“The location of GSU makes me realize thatcollege is just a part of [a full] life.”

California State University facilitates learning cohorts in the form of freshman learning communities. To enhance first-year college success, freshmen are grouped with like-minded individuals on the same career paths.

Significant required coursework is shared, and a group of 25 students is paired with accessible study partners. Top-ranked instructors give personalized attention to these cohorts. Some of the advantages of this program are help with easier college schedules and planned time for outside activities.

The proof of success for such a program is in the results:

• Superior grade point averages

• Enhanced written abilities

• Better self-expressions

• Higher four-year completion rates

The acquisition of important life skills are important by-products of both community immersion and learn-by-doing programs. These extracurricular activities seek to complement students’ traditional education by allowing them to apply abstract knowledge learned while growing up. Students become better decision makers, build self-esteem and enhance their communication abilities. Also, the ability to strengthen friendships is reinforced, as well as volunteering to help those less fortunate and building stronger communities.

Learn-by-doing creates many advantages for students of all ages. It takes traditional classroom learning a step further and opens the door for increasing life skills needed for successful futures, and today’s students are our future leaders.

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Exit Slips = Creative Closures  FREE!
All About You Questionaire $1.50
Finding the Perfect College  $1.00
Integrate Technology Across the Curriculum  $2.95
7 Minute Zingers Creative Writing Prompts $3.00
Sports Theme Classroom Packet   $4.50
Scavenger Hunts  $3.75

Saturday, February 25, 2012

featured teacher author: Lindsay Perro

Featured Teacher Author: Lindsay Perro 

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I've been on Teachers Pay Teachers since October 2010. I was encouraged to join by a co-worker.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I knew I wanted to be in education when I was in middle school. I was inspired by a few great teachers.

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I am a Middle School Math Intervention Specialist who works with students who are at risk of not passing the state assessment. I also teach an 8th grade Honors Algebra class. 

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?
Go for it! It can change your life!

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
I feel like being on Teachers Pay Teachers has made me a better teacher. Having products used by other teachers really encourages me to be more creative and organized in everything I do in my classroom.

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I love Disney Princess movies. My 3-year-old daughter is in love with them right now... and honestly I don't mind! :) They make me feel like a little kid again!

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
I don't at this time.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I would love to be a curriculum writer. I really enjoy creating things and coming up with new questions and ideas!

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
Anything in the medical field. Blood makes me woozy!

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. I get "sucked in" to everything he writes!

Lindsay Perro
Lindsay's TPT store

Lindsay's Prized Products

I'm proud of my First Grade Math Common Core Bundle. I decided last summer to try to really get into the Common Core Standards for all grades and First Grade was where I started. It's been very successful so far! 

1st grade Math Common Core Standards Bundle

I'm also proud of my "Beyond The Worksheet" creation. It's a collection of 49 activities that take students beyond just a worksheet in the Middle School Math classroom. 

Beyond the Worksheet

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers Link Up: Dr. Seuss!

This link up is for TpT Dr. Seuss products, both free and priced. If you link a posted product, please put it on sale until Feb 28. 

To Link Up Your Product:

  • Choose a Dr. Seuss related TpT product and put it on sale.
  • Link up the product page (not your store or blog) here. 
  • You may want to put the grade range in the name field.
  • One submission per seller please.
  • Please promote this link up on your facebook, twitter etc.
Buyers: Here is a great place to find some terrific Dr. Seuss resources!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day

by Beth Hammett

Teacher Pay Teacher Storefront:
Beth Hammett

President's Day was not always one day, and some educators may remember when February included two days dedicated to presidents: February 12 for President Abraham Lincoln and February 22 for President George Washington. Then, in 1971, the holidays were rolled into one and designated as President's Day, which was celebrated on the third Monday of the month.  

Why was the date changed? To give workers an additional federal holiday that fell on Monday. Former President Richard Nixon was credited with the bill that resulted in President's Day, but the push to do so began in the 1950s when states celebrated both Lincoln and Washington's birthdays. Even then federal administrators wanted a uniform national holiday, but governors failed to agree on a specific date. Therefore, the plan for President's Day was dropped. When the idea resurfaced again in 1970, it was corrected with House Bill 11582, which was implemented the following year. 

President's Day is much more than just a holiday--it's a day to celebrate our country's leaders. Many educators will reinforce important accomplishments and historical facts on the special day. Others will retell stories that portray presidents as human beings with empathy and humor. For example, Abraham Lincoln pardoned the first presidential turkey because his son begged to save Jack, who was destined for the family's Thanksgiving dinner. Teddy bears were named after Theodore Roosevelt when he failed to shoot a black bear on a hunt and a cartoonist illustrated him with a stuffed bear. Conspiracy theories, such as the  death of President Kennedy and President Lincoln, fascinate older students. Also, the strange parallels between the lives of Kennedy and Lincoln have become great topics for debates. 

Celebrating President's Day should be fun for students. Let them collaborate on projects that highlight unusual facts, as well as stating common knowledge, about our nation's leaders. February is a great month to incorporate the backgrounds of presidents into lesson plans, and check out the fabulous presidential lesson plans from Teachers Pay Teachers that makes learning about presidents educational and easy.    

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:
Top Ten Outstanding Presidents Word Puzzles  FREE!
Happy Birthday, George! A President's Learning Center Binder  FREE!
President's Memory Game  $2.49
Top Ten Oustanding Presidents: A Complete Unit for President's Day $3.00
President's Day PowerPoint and Interactive Quiz  $3.00
President's Day Project Packet  $3.00
Write About Lincoln and Washington Activities  $3.99
Positively Presidential  $4.00

Saturday, February 18, 2012

featured teacher author: Ms. Jordan Reads

Featured Teacher Author

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I joined TpT this past summer (2011), but became truly active in September of this year.  I've always loved creating teacher products, and many of the products I sell I am already using with my students. One of my big goals for this year is to learn, share, and grow as an educator... Teachers Pay Teachers is one small step toward achieving this goal!

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
I've always wanted to work with kids... that was a given for me. It wasn't until I went to college and truly got my feet wet in the classroom that I realized teaching was my calling. At first I wanted my own classroom, but after doing volunteer work with a local not-for-profit reading clinic, I realized that I loved Literacy and working with small groups of students on reading/writing skills.

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I am a Reading Specialist for an elementary building in WNY (grades 2-5). Some of my past experiences include serving as a fluency coach, a Summer Literacy Program Coordinator for a local bookstore, and working in a reading clinic.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?

I would advise newbies to the Teachers Pay Teachers market to pick a few products to really "shine" and sell. I made the mistake of just uploading every product I've ever created without putting extra work in. Once I took the time to explain my products, provide directions pages, share possible instructional suggestions, my products started to sell!

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
Although I am in no way a top-seller, it's a great feeling to know that I'm creating products that other teachers can use! I love being able to share my resources and help-out my teaching colleagues across the nation (and world!). It's very inspiring to see what the top-sellers are accomplishing, and I hope to make a name for myself in the Teacher Pay Teachers market!

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
A fun "tidbit" is that I eventually want to write my own instructional leveled readers and children's picture books. Aside from teaching, I've ALWAYS loved books and wanted to become an author! Perhaps I'll be selling more than graphic organizers and strategy packets one day! :)

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
I'm very involved in the local reading council (Niagara Frontier Reading Council) and serve as the Social Media Chair and Editor of our newsletter. In my spare time... I blog (http://kristinmjordan.wordpress.com), provide workshops for college students, take part in continuing education, and run an after-school Digital Literacy Club for my school!

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I would love to learn graphic design and create my own logos and clipart. Right now, I like to play with free fonts and graphics... but I would love for my products to showcase my educational ideas and my artistic ones! I would never leave teaching, but I would definitely use this side-interest to enhance my products!

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
I don't think I could ever be in a position where I don't work with children. I've considered teaching higher education, but even indirectly reaching young students would not be enough! I like the day-to-day interactions and celebrating student progress and accomplishments that I was a part of.

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
My favorite author is Chris Van Allsburg. I love how he creates worlds for students to jump into. My all time favorite book is Polar Express!

My favorite educational author is Stephanie Harvey. She is the meat and bones behind all the strategies and instructional activities I create and use everyday. I am inspired by her research and try to incorporate as much research-based strategies and skills into my products!

Kristin Jordan -- MsJordanReads
Ms Jordan Reads' TPT store

Ms. Jordan's Prized Picks

Scoop N' Phrase

Do your students need extra practice with scooping and phrasing words? ""Scoop N' Phrase"" sentence building is the perfect fluency activity to reinforce the skill of phrasing during reading. Student will cut the phrase cards out and then put them together to create silly sentences. Don't forget to remind students to SCOOP the words into meaningful phrases when they read them!

Partner Fluency Form

This easy-to-use "Partner Fluency Form" is perfect for paired fluency activities to enhance reading fluency! Students help each other reflect on their reading, set goals, record pace, and offer constructive feedback!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Book Look: No More "I'm Done": Fostering Independent Writers in the Primary Grades

No More "I'm Done": Fostering Independent Writers in the Primary Grades
By: Jennifer Jacobson
Review by: Melissa Wilcox
Recommended for: Elementary Writing Teachers

Anyone who desires to grow knows that growth means learning: acquiring new knowledge and applying it. As professionals we keep an eye out for seminars, books, articles, and numerous other resources that can help us to acquire that new knowledge. Now if you're like me, you're busy, busy, busy trying to balance family, teaching, friends, and maybe even church or continuing education. That's why when you choose a book in which to invest your time you really hope it's something worth your while. I know for me it takes months sometimes to read a book because my baby just doesn't want to compete with anything for my attention! All these factors considered, it's a good thing I chose No More "I'm Done": Fostering Independent Writers in the Primary Grades by Jennifer Jacobson as my latest professional read.

Now before I go any further, I feel compelled to tell you that I am not one of those people who sees or reads something and is immediately gaga over it. While I always try to find something to draw out of the information set before me, it's not always easy to do, and I'm not always impressed. Having said that, I'm going to go ahead and tell you that if you are an elementary teacher who teaches writing, this book is worth your time.

I personally love writing. I always have, according to stories my parents have told me! That's one of the reasons why writing is probably one of my favorite things to teach, but it can be frustrating at times when my students just don't seem to catch the fever! It's a quick scribble of half-hearted sentences, and suddenly there's a first grade munchkin by my side insisting that he (or she!) is done. That's when you start trying to figure out how to keep the kids engaged in writing without the activities becoming time-fillers. How do we get them engaged…and then keep them engaged?

No More “I’m Done” is an easy read with great anecdotes that can help you to build a productive and effective Writers’ Workshop time. For those worried about the amount of time they'll be able to devote to professional reading, take heart! This book is only six chapters long. The first 3 chapters run you through setting up and running your Writers’ Workshop. (That's only 50 pages.) This next part may be the best part…are you ready? The next two are nothing but a resource of mini-lessons to use during your Writers’ Workshop! Jacobson even lays out Chapter 5, A Year of Mini-Lessons for Growing Writers, with suggested mini-lessons by month! The final ten-page chapter shares her secrets to independent writing formatted almost like a troubleshooting guide.

I've been teaching Writers’ Workshop in my first grade class for about eight years now, and it hasn't always gone well. Lately I've felt like I might be hitting my stride. I have been seeing my students engaged and showing wonderful growth in their writing, but I'm always looking for ways to make it better. One thing I've gotten out of reading No More “I’m Done” is confidence. I was surprised to see that much of what I have implemented in my Writers’ Workshop line up with Jacobsen's successful workshop time. While some might then question whether this would be a beneficial read for me, I would answer with a resounding yes! I think we all need someone to confirm that we're on the right track, and I'll bet you'll have similar results in reading the book. 

But wait! I would be remiss if I left you thinking I didn't get anything new out of reading No More “I’m Done.” While the affirmation I received reading this book gave me a new confidence in teaching writing, I found many, many new techniques and ideas to implement into my Writers’ Workshop as well, helping with organization and taking my class to the next level. Oh, and don't forget…I now have a great resource for mini-lessons to last me the year through! My suggestion to you is that in reading this book, remember that this is one way another excellent teacher has found success with her students in writing, so read it and draw from it what can benefit you and your class. You don't have to do exactly what she does. Use the knowledge she shares to help shape and enhance your classroom. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Small Group Work Part 2: Setting Up Rotations for Small Groups

By Tabitha Carro

Teachers Pay Teachers Store Front: Flapjack Educational Resources

Setting up rotations for small groups means same-ability groups can work with teachers while mixed-ability groups complete center rotations of independent tasks.

For easy rotations, try the method listed below:

Rotation 1: Choose either the triangle or circle group (see Small Group Work Pt. 1 from last week's Featured Article) to take their seats first to work independently. Beforehand, set guidelines so that students resist copying answers from peers. Instead, reinforce peer tutoring during group times.

Rotation 2: The second group goes to the second center. Students know which center to go to by looking at colored cards in the pocket chart. Student helpers rotate cards after groups meet. For example, centers might include Smart Board, cubby corner (different centers to choose from), computers (place a folder on the desktop of each with specific games to address learning concepts), and game table (skills based games).

Rotations can last from 8-15 minutes each depending on how much time is left in the class day and what teachers need to work on with different groups and individuals.

While students are completing rotations, teachers do one of the following:

1) Pull same-ability groups to review new information, work on difficult concepts, or challenge advanced students.

2) Have students who missed similar problems on recent quizzes or tests work together. Quizzes can be photocopied so that teachers can work one-on-one with a child. Also, teachers can use their roll sheets to mark problems missed on assessment tests.

3) Teach time-consuming rules of games to the leveled groups which can be incorporated later into centers.

Make small group rotation simple for students by setting up tables with calculators, dry-erase markers, erasers, individual white boards, a student data notebook, and a three-shelf organizer to store manipulatives needed during instruction. A large white board on the wall is used for extra instructions.

Setting up group rotations should be easy for teachers, and centers should be practical for students. Centers give extra instructional time to students and encourage peer tutoring. Enjoy teaching by using small groups and center rotations!

Related Teachers Pay Teachers Products:

Number Strings  FREE!
Steps to a Great Paper  FREE!
Valentine Similes: Literacy Writing, Reading, Figurative Language  $1.00
Valentine's Day Mad Libs  $1.50
BOGGLE Cards:24 Different Games with Scoring Sheet  $2.00
Rockin' Through the Rock Cycle: Geography, Earth Science & Geology  $2.25
Safari Sight Word Phrases  $3.00
Groovy Symmetry!  $3.00
Scrap Paper Test Strategies for Polygons  $3.50
Classroom Newsletter Templates: 12 Months  $5.95

Saturday, February 11, 2012

featured teacher author: Heather Richards

Featured Teacher Author

1.     How long have you been on Teachers Pay Teachers?  What made you decide to be a part of it?
I just reached my one year anniversary. I was just getting into sharing my teacher materials when Laura Candler recommended me to the site.

2.     When did you know that you wanted to be in education?
When I was in college I "thought" I wanted to be a lot of things which just turned out to be hobbies (plus came in handy in the classroom later on). Finally I got serious and went back to my childhood dream.

3.     How are you currently involved in education?
I am in my 6th year of being a 5th grade teacher. We are departmentalized so I am the reading teacher.

4.     What would be your advice to people who are considering joining Teachers Pay Teachers?

DO it!! The people are AMAZING and supportive. You learn so much, it makes you a better teacher, and makes you want to strive to make better quality materials for your store as well as your own classroom.

5.     What has been a highlight, thus far, about being on Teachers Pay Teachers?
Learning how to improve the things I was using in my own classroom. I was given an opportunity to see how other teachers were creating things, talk with pro teachers with tons of experience, and gain friends at the same time.

6.     What is something fun about you that other teachers don’t know?
I love to paint and draw with charcoal. I love to get on stage and put on a show for my students. I create parody songs of popular music and create words to be educational... then we perform them on stage at our AR celebrations :)

7.     Do you participate in education outside of the classroom?  In what type of role?
I am an AVID coordinator for my school so I have been given the opportunity to travel and experience the AVID program not only in my classroom but at a manager level. Such a great program.

8.     What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I would LOOOOVE to be a children's author. I am currently working on a fantasy fiction novel right now... but between two children under the age of 4... the novel is still in major progress....

9.     What profession would you not like to do?
Anything that was just a boring desk job. I think I have hobby ADD. I must do different things off and on. So being a teacher is perfect! I can create new lessons and materials and do new things in my classroom all the time!

10. Who is your favorite author?  Favorite educational author?  And why?
I love Brandon Mull of the Fablehaven Series. I enjoy the Twilight series and the Sookie Stackhouse series.... I guess you could say I have a thing for Vampires and Fairies lol

There is such imagination in these books. I can get caught up in them for hours, they have inspired my creativity, and awakened my lower readers to want to read.

by Heather Richards
Heather's TPT store

Heather's Prized Products

I like my What's The Truth George series. It is what started me on this journey. I love technology and this brings technology and history together in an interesting way.
I like my Power Point reading skills. It is a great way to get kids thinking and reviewing while letting them take advantage of a smartboard.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Teacher to Teacher Link Up: Valentine's Day FREEBIES!

This link up is for FREE TpT Valentine's Day products All TpT sellers are welcome to participate! 

To Link Up Your Product:

  • Choose a free Valentine's Day TpT product from your store.
  • Link up the product page (not your store or blog) here. 
  • You may want to put the grade range in the name field.
  • One submission per seller please.
  • Please promote this link up on your facebook, twitter etc.
Buyers: Here is a great place to find some terrific Valentine's Day FREEBIES!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book Look: Setting Limits in the Classroom

Setting Limits in the Classroom: How to Move Beyond the Dance of Discipline in Today's Classrooms

By: Robert J. Mackenzie

Review by: Scipi (V. Rauch)

Recommended for: All Staff

The theory of education is something we were all required to study in college. It sounded good in the book; it was great for discussion, and it made us feel smart!  But that same theory tended to fall apart when you became the teacher of actual students.  In addition to theory, what we really needed were practical suggestions for classroom management, effective ideas for dealing with children, and management methods that were classroom proven. Well, look no further; this is it! 

In his introduction, Mackenzie states that, “Teachers can’t teach their academic subjects effectively until they can establish an effective environment for learning. Classroom management is simply too important to be neglected or handled ineffectively.” The book discusses effective classroom structure, your approach to teaching rules, how children learn your rules, and establishing consistent rules. Throughout the book, the author wants you to recognize the discipline you might be using that just doesn’t work. He concludes the book with how to develop a school-wide guidance plan.

Setting Limits in the Classroom gives answers to the most testing behaviors that you may experience in the classroom.  The book provides solid advice for fixing the way you interact and deal with students, and it is also practical in that it gives various real-life scenarios to re-enact in your classroom in order to practice effective management. It offers firm, down-to-earth, and sensible solutions that effectively cut off students' attempts at negotiating, bargaining, and being belligerent towards the teacher.  Mackenzie offers many options to the unsuccessful extremes of permissiveness and rigid authority, and all points in between.  He outlines no-nonsense methods for setting clear, firm limits supported by words and actions. The book is really a step-by-step manual that shows you how to create structure and methods that work, stop power struggles, motivate students, and even solve homework dilemmas. It is a must-read, and I highly recommend it especially for middle and high school teachers.
To peak your interest, here are a few quotes I especially liked from the book: 

  • "Your consequences will have their greatest impact when they are immediate, consistent, logically related, proportional, respectful, and followed by a clean slate."

  • "Much of what we consider to be misbehavior in the classroom is actually limit testing or children’s attempts to clarify what we really expect."

  • "When our words are consistent with our actions, we don’t need a lot of words or harsh consequences to get our message across."

  • "When we ignore misbehavior, we are really saying, 'It’s okay to do that. Go ahead. You don’t have to stop.'"

This is an ideal book for a whole-school study or new teacher development training. The appendix contains a study-group guide that lists the objectives for each week, as well as study-group discussion questions for each chapter.  I have successfully used this book with many student teachers who have in turn used it as a discipline and classroom management guide.

Other Books I Recommend by Robert J. MacKenzie:

Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child

Setting Limits: How to Raise Responsible, Independent
Children by Providing Clear Boundaries

Supplemental Classroom Management Materials by Scipi

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