Monday, January 31, 2011
Needed: Guest Blog Article Writers
Thursday, January 27, 2011
TpT Thursday Round Up #2
Valentine's Day - Candy Hearts Writing for grades 4-8
A fun writing activity based around the words found on Candy Hearts around Valentine's Day. Students incorporate the words into either a poem or a short story. If you can use real candy hearts, I've made 40 "candy hearts" for you to print out. Includes lesson plan, assignment sheets and "hearts."
by Addie Williams
Valentine's Day Critical Thinking Activities for grades 3-6
Here are 12 ready-to-use, challenging and fun Valentine's Day Activities (with answer keys) that will get your students to use their head in this time of the heart. The focus is on Critical Thinking Skills, but there is also some Math and Language Arts as well. Great for bell work, homework, or enrichment.
by Rachel Lynette
Valentines Day Wheel of Fortune Smartboard Lesson for grades 2-6
This smartboard lesson is a (Valentine's Day Wheel of fortune type) lesson that I made up for the smartboard. This activity would be a great activity for anytime, but works especially well around Valentine's Day. Your students will enjoy earning points as they try to figure out each puzzle.
by Smartboard Smarty
Valentine's Day Multiplication / Division Diagram Problem Solving for grades 3-5
Add some love to your math lesson when you practice multiplication and division diagram problem solving. This 4 page packet for $1.50 will reinforce this math skill in a simple, Valentine's Day themed way.
by Beverlyteacher
100th Day of School Activities and Learning Games Set for grades K-3
It's time to celebrate those first 100 days of learning with an assortment of six activities/games that your students will love. You can plan a fun-filled day of learning around these activities that your students will never forget. To make it easier on you I have also included a complete and thorough set of directions to help you implement the activities in this set.
by John Blake
Learning Logs Parent Student Connection Year Long Activities for grades 3-6
This is an amazing tool for your students to take home and practice the basic concepts that they learned in school! Each month a new learning log will be sent home and the students will be able to practice skills learned in school in subjects such as: reading, writing, math, and social studies. This is geared for 5th grade,but can easily be changed to fit grades 3-6.
by Wise Guys
Lord of the Flies Literature Guide for grades 9-11
This Literature Guide for Lord of the Flies contains 88 pages of student coursework, quizzes, tests, and teacher resources aligned with 9th- 11th grade English / Language Arts content standards. Includes study guide questions, quizzes, tests, pre-reading, post-reading and extension ideas, essay prompts, and more with complete answer key.
by Secondary Solutions
Bug Ya: A Math Computation & Fact Game for grades 3-8
Bug Ya provides motivation for the learner to practice addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. Three games are included in this short resource packet. All the games have been developed to extend the recall of facts through playful and intelligent practice.
by scipi
Valentine's Day Vowel Sorting Center for grades PreK-1
This Valentine's Day reading activity focuses on medial vowel sounds in CVC words. Students have 15 valentine cards to sort and 2 activity sheets where they can cut and glue the pictures under the appropriate mailbox.
by Teacher Tam
I have, Who Has Science Flashcard Bundle 9 Topics for grades 3-6
This Science packet "I have, Who has" flash cards are a fun activity to get the kids to learn vocabulary. This is a combo packet and has nine sets of flash cards! It covers Electricity and Magnetism, Matter and its properties, Weather, Food web and food chain, Habitat and Ecosystems, Renewable and Nonrenewable resources, Animal Classifications, Rocks and Minerals, and Weather.
by power point maniac
Introduction to Literature Circles for grades 5-12
This presentation explains how to use the strategy of Literature Circles. It prepares students for the many roles and responsibilities they will have throughout the unit. I also have several other Literature Circle resources to use with any book in my store - check it out!
by Melissa Soeltz
Music Puzzle Pack 1 for grades 5-10
12 fantastic puzzles for your music students in One Puzzle Pack. Puzzle topics include composers, elements of music, music styles, common music terms and many more. An answer key is provided for each puzzle
by Aussie Music Teacher
Test Prep Tournaments For Any Grade and Any Subject for grades 1-12
Students will have fun reviewing for your state’s standardized tests, district tests, and classroom tests with these 11 test prep tournaments. The 70 pages include football, baseball, and tic-tac-toe game boards & specific directions for 11 tournaments.
by Victoria Leon
Graphic Organizers for Reading Response and Everyday Learning for grades 2-8
This is a 78 page book filled with various types of graphic organizers for reading response and more! You can find KWL charts, questioning pages, concept webs, chain of events, character maps and much more!
by MeMimi
Scientific Notation Powerpoint, Notes, and Worksheet Bundle for grades 6-10
Scientific or exponential notation is a MUST HAVE skill for science and math students. This product has it all: A powerpoint presentation, teacher notes, student notes, and a worksheet to use for follow up practice. Students will learn to write numbers in scientific notation and in standard form, as well as learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers that are in scientific notation.
by Science Stuff
Literature Activities Bundle for grades 7-12
Includes many creative activities you can use with any novel, short story, play, etc., such as Facebook Character Sketch, Character Tags, Creative Book Report Ideas, Playlist Activity, and so much more!
by Tracee Orman
Facebook Myspace Profile Description Project for grades 7-10
Students will create their own 'Facebook' profile page that describes themselves in Spanish. This 'perfil' will include students writing about themselves, giving: name, origin, birthdate, favorite activities, hobbies, movies, tv shows, comments from 'friends' and more. Includes list for common vocabulary used by Facebook.
by Justin-B
Decimal Number SenseWarm-up Activities for grades 4-6
Here are 7 one-page sets of decimal warm-ups designed to build students' number sense related to decimal fractions with 10ths and 100ths, that are powerful without being time-consuming. Skills include mental addition and subtraction, comparing to 1/2, comparing/ordering decimals, skip counting by 10ths and 100ths, finding "in-between numbers, & more. Normally 2.00, but 1.50 through Saturday.
by Patrick Shaffer
Balanced Literacy Graphic Organizers for Novels for grades 7-9
These graphic organizers are for middle years balanced literacy novel studies. There are 45 activities within the balanced literacy categories of vocabulary, summarizing, connecting, questioning, inferring and synthesizing. These graphic organizers can also be used in book clubs and independent reading.
by Terry-Lynn McLeod
Using Dice to Teach Addition for grades K-1
I use this every year in my classroom to assess if students can do the following skills: identify numbers, write numbers correctly, count dots, and add numbers correctly. Your students will have fun rolling dice, making dots, adding the numbers, and then writing numbers, and you can use the activity as an assessment tool!
by Mrs Bucket
Reader Response Journal: Questions, Prompts, and Assessment for grades 4-10
This file contains over 100 reader response prompts organized into sections for different comprehension strategies and text elements so you can match the response questions to your minilessons. These questions could also be used as comprehension questions for any novel. The document also contains a set of success criteria that could be made into an anchor chart, or reproduced for students to glue into their response journals, and a reader response rubric is also included.
by Runde's Room
Plagiarism and Integrity Internet Activity Project for grades 6-9
Great Activity to learn about Plagiarism!
by Tech girl
Round Up Participants: Please check your links! If something doesn't work, drop me an email at: with the correct link (and your user name) and I will fix it ASAP. Please tweet and link the Round Up on your blogs, facebook pages etc.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Your Opinion Counts!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Elementary School Learning
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Want to Be in the Next Thursday Round Up?
Hey buyers, looking for some great products? Check out last week's Round Up. Come back this Thursday to see a whole set of new products, all on sale!
Articles on teaching, a poll, featured TpT seller spots, and more special deals are coming soon, so keep checking back!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Add the Tchr2Tchr Blog Badge to your blog or site!
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Thursday Round Up #1!

Literature Guide for A Sick Day for Amos McGee for grades 2-4.
This 16 page literature guide accompanies the 2011 Caldecott Medal Winner -A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead. Included in this guide: comprehension questions, vocabulary activity, reading response, animal research, story guide, and verb tense worksheet.
by Lisa Frase
Ready to Use Dictionary Worksheets for grades 3-6
Here are 20 worksheets to help your students learn how to use the dictionary effectively. Some of them focus on specific skills and can stand alone, while others require the use of a dictionary. Worksheets that are used with a dictionary can be used with any English language dictionary. Answer keys included when appropriate.
by Rachel Lynette
Family and Me Bundle for grades 2-5
by Rosshalde Pak
Groundhog Glyph with Questions for grades PreK-4
#1-4 Magic Tree House Novel Study Set for grades 2-4
by John Blake
by techedoutteacher
by Melissa Soeltz
Round Up Participants: Please check your links! If something doesn't work, drop me an email at: with the correct link (and your user name) and I will fix it ASAP. Please tweet and link the Round Up on your blogs, facebook pages etc.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Introducing the Tchr2Tchr Blog!
Introducing the Tchr2Tchr Blog!
We are excited to announce a brand-new resource for teachers of all levels and subjects, the Tchr2Tchr Blog! We are a group of educators who met on the Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) website. We have a diverse group of contributors lined up, and we are planning several features which we hope will inspire and empower you as an educator, such as:
· Bi-weekly articles on topics that are relevant to your role and classroom
· Weekly featured TpT sellers and products to provide just-in-time resources you can use right away
· Links to free resources and websites
· Weekly Thursday Roundup with links to great TpT products at special prices
· Regular posts on Twitter and Facebook to keep you in the know with useful links, quotes, news items, and notifications of new blog content
We would love your help in building the blog into a relevant and useful resource for teachers. We are seeking guest bloggers who would like to contribute articles for any of the following upcoming topics. If you have another great idea, please let us know!
· Tips, tricks, ideas, or lessons for elementary classrooms
· Resources for Presidents’ Day, Washington’s Birthday, Lincoln’s Birthday, Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day
· Ideas and resources for teachers of special education students in the regular education, resource, or self-contained classroom
· Lessons and ideas for middle grades educators
· Resources, tips, and tricks for high school teachers in any department
· Test prep help and testing sanity-savers for teachers at all levels
· Web 2.0 and education
Please email us at if you would like to contribute to the blog.
Your blog administrators are:
Dacula, Georgia
Grades 2-6 English / Language Arts, Math, Science, Technology
Anna has 10 years of experience teaching 4th grade, and has recently embarked on a new venture as a Local School Technology Coordinator at a special needs school in Georgia’s largest district. She is having a blast teaching computer lab to three and four year olds. Anna is also mom to two energetic children, ages seven and three.
Jason Elliott (PowerPoint Maniac)
Adams Center, New York
Grades 2-6 English / Language Arts, Math, Science
Jason has a beautiful wife and an amazing 4 year old son. He teaches 3rd and 4th grade, looping up with his 3rd graders to teach them two years in a row. He lives in snowy, cold, northern New York, off the eastern coast of Lake Ontario and about 40 minutes from the Canadian border.
4th Grade English / Language Arts and Social Studies
Lisa is a National Board Certified teacher with sixteen years of teaching experience. She is currently teaching fourth grade, writing a young adult novel, and maintaining a web presence.
Washington State
Grades 2-6 English / Language Arts, Math, Critical Thinking, Gifted and Talented
Rachel has had over ten years of classroom teaching experience and now writes teacher materials and nonfiction books for children full time. She is also the mother of two terrific teens.
4th grade and ESL
Rosshalde is the owner of a private tutoring company and educational game company. She has experience teaching 4th grade and ESL in both Oregon and California. She resides in Oregon with her husband and two dogs.